The uncanniness of the disappearing “uncanny valley.”|「不気味の谷」が消える不気味さ





Damn…. It is truly astonishing, or uncanny, isn’t it? The speed at which generative AI learns things….

“It is known that when human likenesses reach a certain level of quality, the ‘uncanny valley phenomenon’ occurs, in which dislike of a “person” increases dramatically. On the other hand, some studies have shown that AI can break through the ‘uncanny valley’ and generate faces that are rather ‘more trustworthy’ than real faces.” The article says.

Really, the “uncanny valley” is hardly there anymore…. It’s true that people with these faces look like they are actually there, just simply amazing.

What is “uncanny” for most of all is that these are not pictures of faces that were taken from somewhere and slightly modified, but pictures of people who DON’T EXIST on the earth at all. It is a horrifying technology. This is much more “uncanny valley” to me.

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